Living life with more joy, out of the System: combine ancient knowledge, technology, energy medicine, and concepts in natural health, and we have a wonderful way to advance humanity. Dream it, plant it, command it in gratitude, and manifest it. Our wise guest has some profound things to say that will really get you thinking.
Links to the books of the guest, Joseph Lee Vreeland:
KI Energy: Unlocking the Hidden Potential
The Black Book Guide to Healthy Eating
KI Energy: Developing the Potential Within
The Skyaia® Show is about the interconnectedness of human be-ings with our planet and the cosmos, our dreams & our plans with present & future risks, and attaining a greater awareness of the world around us. It’s about spiritual evolution, the meaning of our lives, our path ahead, and the risks from planetary threats & economic instabilities to the opportunities from personal growth to increasing abundance.
Dr. Simon Atkins, MBA, PhD, DSc is a climate risk economist, a planetary threat forecaster, solar expert, and energy medicine doctor. Simon is also an informant for the People, a spiritual pacifist and modern-day “business-monk”. Call him a ‘compassionate fighter’ for sovereign freedom, with a goal to move the planet forward. He lives many months of the year in Uruguay yet travels constantly around the globe.
The Skyaia® Show is broadcast every Monday at 8 pm Eastern, with your host, Dr. Simon Atkins. Tune-in to The Skyaia® Show to receive clarity, inspiration & knowledge to advance your future! See you soon!