When You Are Ready, We Are Ready To Go To The Next Stage

Go Beyond The Book … Elevate Your Life Now And Enhance Your Knowledge, Your Health, Your Abundance & Your Freedom As A Sovereign Individual

If you loved reading Skyaia®, or if you just intuitively ‘dig’ the chapters / subtitles of Skyaia®, and you want to know more, learn more, be more, and to truly elevate yourself to a new level of vibration …

… well, your chance to integrate Skyaia® into your life and your family’s life is here.

Dr. Simon Atkins, Bonnie & John Mitchell (founders of awakenvideo.org), Julie Kramer (president of AdvancedSurvivalTechnology.com) and other science & natural health leaders are going to provide two types of discourses with you.

For Businesses, Organizations, Groups, Special Events, Annual Speeches, And More …

Dr. Atkins or one of his Skyaia team experts will provide a customized presentation on the book themes you wish to concentrate on for an incredible one to two hour appearance, followed-up by an optional comprehensive discussion that will allow members of the audience (or the organization) to strategize in making positive changes and/or to arrive at new & enhanced solutions with current issues / challenges.

Please inquire for pricing, as well as providing us with your specific ideas and potential dates.

Schedule Your Event

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

For The Public

The Skyaia Awareness Book Tour

“Breaking Free & Enhancing Your Sovereignty”

  • Are you feeling increasingly listless? Are you experiencing a decline in health? Do you believe it could be due to something in the air, the water, and/or your food?
  • Are you increasingly concerned by the lack of valid information? Do you want to know more about the cover-up of important evidence in many areas of your life?
  • Do you want to know what is really happening with Fukushima in America, how it’s affecting your health, and what your best strategy may be?
  • Do you want to know more about the fabrications, the falsehoods, scams and deceptions that are involved in climate change, cancer & chemtrails?
  • Does a “Futurist Map” of how things will likely unfold financially, socially & environmentally interest you?
  • Do you want to learn how to connect the dots, empower your mind with new information, increase the abundance in your life and get away from the restrictive system that aims to control your freedom?
  • Would you want to have information on the safest places to be in the decade ahead?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions above, please let us know your location, your interests, your preference for day/time, and whether you know anyone that can organize certain speaking events, or whether you can refer us to individuals that can arrange an event at a book shop or other venue. Many thanks in advance.

For now, Join Our Community! Register Here